Biogasregister Deutschland (dena, Deutsche Energie Agentur)

AGCS and dena operate the biomethane registries in Austria and Germany, respectively, according to the different national legal requirements.

First international bilateral cooperation agreement
AGCS and dena have pursued the goal of providing a documentation system with which market participants can perform ownership transfers of biomethane certificates. The collaboration was formalised in 2016 in the form of a cooperation agreement, making it the first of its kind in Europe.
More details are provided in German language.

European Cooperation Exchange System
With the launch of the European system "ERGaR Certificate of Origin Scheme", registries of several countries can be connected with each other. The bilateral cooperation between dena and AGCS will thus be replaced by the international ERGaR CoO Scheme in December 2021.

A central interface of the national registry enables the national market participants to access the national markets of the other connected registries. In this way, the registries enable their registry users to exchange biomethane certificates securely and in a standardised manner across borders. For the exchange, verification properties have been harmonised to enable the transfer and generation of verifications in the respective target registry.

The connected registries are:

  • Austria: AGCS Biomethan Register Austria
  • Germany: dena Biogasregister Deutschland
  • Netherlands: Vertogas
  • Great Britain: GGCS Green Gas Certification Scheme by REA

Read more on the ERGaR Certificate of Origin Scheme.

You can find descriptions on the business processes for the using the following links:
