Biomethane electrification plant operators

Gas-fired cogeneration plants located in Austria can be registered in the Biomethane Registry Austria as “Biomethane electricification plant”. This role is mainly used by power plant operators who request the national subsidy from the Austrian Green Power Settlement Agency (OeMAG Abwicklungsstelle für Ökostrom AG) in the course of converting biomethane previously fed into the natural gas grid.

Each market participant needs to activat a dedicated registry account. Biomethane certificates of registered biomethane plant operators can then be transferred to the account of the Biomethane electricification plant (CHP) operator. The biomethane electricification plant operator has to transfer the certificates that are to be subsidised to the account of the Austrian Green Power Settlement Agency who will use the certificates as proof for the pay out of the FiT.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Austrian Green Power Act 2012, subsidies from the Green Power Settlement Agency may only be obtained for biomethane quantities whose underlying biomethane certificates have the auditor annotations required by the Green Power Act 2012, which can be added to the respective biomethane certificate by independent auditors.

These auditor annotations can optionally be added for individual certificates or collectively for certain biomethane certificate batches. In any case, it should be noted that the auditor in the Biomethan Register Austria must be assigned to the respective biomethane injection plant - but not to the CHP plant. The assignment can be applied for by the registry operator via a corresponding form as part of the registration process. Since the Biomethan Register Austria serves the operational handling of the described processes, it may be necessary that biomethane plant operators and auditors conclude separate contracts.

For more information, please refer to the audit section and our documentation, as well as our General Terms and Conditions and Functional Description and the auditor section.
